My 1st Liebster Award!

liebster-award-logoBabes! I have the honor to have been awarded with my very first Liebster Award. Holler at my girl Jamie @ The Beauty Beat  for the nomination! Peruse her blog it’s full of magical sassy like thangs!


So here’s how it goes, Once nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you. Include the LIEBSTER AWARD sticker in the post. Nominate 10 other bloggers who you think are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on 1 of their posts. You can nominate the person who nominated you. Answer the 10 questions asked to you by the person who nominated you and make ten questions of your own for your nominees. Lastly, copy these rules in the post.

Jamie Bean’s Questions:

What’s your favorite makeup brand?

My favorite brand I have loved since I really got into make up hardcore is Urban Decay. In my opinion they paved the way for palettes with their Naked line. My favorite palette I always fall back on is my Naked 2 palette, it’s my ride or die and I’ve hit pan literally on every color. They always have great quality products, great color pay off and last.

What’s your favorite place to buy products?

I mean… Target. They have it all and all that you didn’t realize you needed. There’s a Starbucks in there. So come zompacolypse ya’ll know where I’m heading.

Favorite perfume or scent?

Ohhhh man, tough one. My staple perfume that made me feel sexy throughout college was Victoria Secret Bombshell. I’d wear it every day when I used to wait tress in the sports bar and those were my favorite summer memories, so the scent is very nostalgic for me. My new-found favorite though is Marc Jacobs Eau So Fresh De Toillette, it’s heavenly and I feel so fancy wearing it.

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog because I developed a big passion for makeup and really got into following make up gurus on YouTube in college. I’ve been a girly girl my entire life and have been the go to friend when you need your hair done for a dance. I’m the go to friend to offer tips and tricks to create a look or improve your beauty routine. I wanted to give my passion an outlet and offer my thoughts to others that could benefit from it.

What’s your favorite song?

I’m a country music fan and my favorite artists hands down are Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert. So it’s a toss-up. The song that got me through heartbreak and hard times was Kerosene by Miranda Lambert, she’s the epitome of a bad bitch and I love her confidence, and her tough bad girl demeanor. Jason Aldean is my biggest crush of all time, my dorm was covered in posters of him. So my favorite songs of his are Johnny Cash and Amarillo Sky.

What is the one makeup or skin care item you can’t leave the house without?

Chapstick!! And when I do leave without it my day is ruined. My all time favorite chapstick is Nivea A Kiss of Moisture Essential Lip Care. No joke I have this chapstick in every bag I have, in my car, in my boyfriend’s car, and by my nightstand.

What’s your favorite drink at Starbucks (if any)?

I’m a total basic white girl and literally don’t care. I have the app and I am a proud Gold member till 2016. I go almost every week I feel like and I brew Starbucks’ French Roast at home, we are coffee snobs. Every other day of the year I usually order either an iced or hot vanilla coffee with cream and sugar. Hot Summer days I love the Very Berry Tea. And of course no surprise during the fall I love my PSL- Pumpkin Spiced Latte, grande soy no whip.

What’s your favorite lip color?

There is a common theme of two colors in my lipstick collection. Barbie vomit pink and dark vampy red. Smashbox Be Legendary Matte Lipstick in Magenta Matte is my new-found favorite in your face pink lipstick. My essential fall lip color is NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Copenhagen.

What is your first makeup/beauty related memory from childhood?

I grew up in a very strict conservative household. So of course like any rebellious teen with a bunch of rules forced down your through you sneak it behind your parents’ backs. So my freshmen year I would go to school and my friends would help me and bring their makeup. We’d be in the bathroom setting up our own beauty shop and I remember, I have no clue why, I would only wear eye liner half way on my eye lid. It was a weird phase and through trial and error and the mocking of friends I learned how to apply make up. I’d read a bunch of teen magazines like J-14, Seventeen, Teen Vogue and eventually Cosmopolitan to help me learn how to better apply and learn about products.

What is the best product you’ve ever used?

Jimmeny Crickets this is hard. I guess mine is more of a tool. My Real Technique brushes have lasted through college and my very young adult life. They are my go to brushes, they are amazing quality and apply my make up beautifully. My favorites that I use every day are the Expert Face BrushPowder Brush, and Setting Brush.

My questions:

  1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?
  2. When do you feel the most beautiful?
  3. What show do you binge watch?
  4. It’s Friday night, do you stay in or go out?
  5. Favorite nail polish color?
  6. Where is your dream vacation destination?
  7. What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?
  8. How would you describe your style?
  9. What do you hope your readers take from your blog?
  10. What is your favorite lip product?

My Nominees:

Lennon Carlyle

Nicole Bolt

Too Much Mouth









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